Čitanje i razumevanje teksta (Yoga)
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Health Benefits of Yoga
By Maggie Hira
General Overview
Yoga is a type of physical exercise consisting of various poses that build muscle strength and endurance. Yoga originated in India as a way to discipline the mind and body, and eventually gained popularity throughout the Western world as an effective method of exercising and staying in shape. The practice of yoga presents many mental benefits as well as physical.
Physical Benefits
Yoga has many physical benefits including flexibility, strength, muscle tone, pain prevention and better breathing. The various poses of yoga are extremely demanding, and over time result in increased flexibility in all the muscles of the body. The majority of yoga poses demand that the body support its own weight for long periods of time, which results in increased strength in the abdominal, leg, back, chest and arm muscles. Yoga helps shape long and lean muscles, resulting in visible muscle tone. The practice of yoga also promotes better breathing habits, resulting in deeper breathing that strengthens the lungs. Finally, yoga also aids in pain prevention in the back by increasing a person’s flexibility and general strength. All of these aspects also result in promoting better health.
Mental Benefits
The mental health benefits of yoga include stress reduction and a general sense of calmness. Yoga involves many meditation techniques that help to bring a certain calmness to the mind. This calming effect also promotes greater concentration. Moreover, the calm meditative techniques of yoga contribute greatly to stress relief. The great concentration necessary to perform the majority of yoga poses is great for relieving stress by helping the person forget about past troubles and stress-causing daily anxieties.
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