86 Idioma u engleskom (sa značenjem)

Upotreba idioma je sastavni deo učenja engleskog.
Idiom ili idiomatski izraz je fraza i grupa reči koje imaju figurativno značenje.
Obrati pažnju na upotrebu idioma.
Pogledaj izraz probiti led. Neko ko ovo kaže uglavnom neće bukvalno misliti da neko probija led, već da neko kreće prvi nešto da uradi.
Kada učiš engleski, potrebno je da postepeno učiš pravilnu upotrebu idioma, kao kada učiš nove reči.
Kako se koriste idiomi?
Idiomi u engleskom su sastavni deo konverzacije i čućeš da ih ljudi stalno koriste.
Idiome je potrebno prilagoditi rečenici tako da taj izraz onda ima smisla.
Everybody was quiet but he decided to break the ice. – Ovde nije potrebno prilagođavanje izraza.
He broke the ice by introducing himself. – Ovde je potrebno prilagoditi glagol za vreme Past Simple.
Neke idiome ćeš jednostavno naučiti jer su slični tvom maternjem jeziku. Prvi je bio primer idioma probiti led, na engleskom glasi break the ice. Isto tako postoje idiomi black sheep (crna ovca), take it or leave it (uzmi ili ostavi), time flies (vreme leti)…
Neki idiomi imaju slicnosti: bite your lip (ugristi se za jezik), high time (krajnje vreme), on cloud nine (na sedmom nebu), learn by heart (naučiti napament), dok kod nekih nema sličnosti: piece of cake (prosto kao pasulj), out of the blue (iz vedra neba).
Za neke idiome ne postoji ovakav prevod, tj. može ti se desiti da u tvom jeziku nema idioma koji bi imao isto značenje, pa se u tom slučaju prevodi opisno značenje idioma.
Spisak 86 idioma u engleskom
Pogledaj spisak idioma u engleskom i nauči njihovo značenje.
a rainy day – to save for the future when it might suddenly be needed (unexpectedly)
adding salt to the wound – making a situation worse than it is
back to square one – having to start all over again
barking up the wrong tree – to make a mistake and look for a solution in the wrong place
be a breeze – to be very easy to do
bite your lip – prevent yourself from saying or reacting to something
black sheep – a member of a group (or family) who is thought of as rebellious and other members disapprove of them
break a leg – wish good luck to someone
break the ice – make people feel more comfortable
burn bridges – destroy relationships
call it a day – to stop working on something
call the shots – exercise authority or be in charge
calm before the storm – a peaceful period before something great happens, a difficulty or an argument
chase rainbows – when someone tries to do something that they will not achieve
chicken out (of something) – withdraw from something due to fear or cowardice
cry over spilled milk – feel regret about something that has been done and cannot be changed
cut somebody some slack – don’t be so critical
every cloud has a silver lining – every difficult or unpleasant situation has some advantage
for ages – something continues for a long time
get down to the brass task – to discuss the essentials of the matter at hand
get itchy feet – to want to travel or do something different
to get out of hand – get out of control
get something off your chest – talk about something that worries you or causes a problem for you
get to the bottom of something – understand something completely
give a cold shoulder – to treat someone in an unfriendly way
go bananas – became crazy, silly
go on a wild goose chase – to do something without success or point
hang in there – don’t give up
high time – about time
hit the sack – go to sleep
ignorance is bliss – you’re better off not knowing
in the same boat – in the same difficult situation as someone else
it’s not rocket science – it’s not complicated
it’s raining cats and dogs – to rain heavily
keep your fingers crossed – hoping the things will happen the way you want
learn by heart – learn something thoroughly, to memorize something
leave no stone unturned- look everywhere
let the cat out of the bag – give away a secret
like riding a bicycle – something you never forget how to do
live out of a suitcase – to stay in several places for a short period of time, never actually getting the time to unpack
long time no see – it has been a long time since they last met
lose your cool – to lose temper, become angry
make a long story short – tell something briefly
not my cup of tea – not for me, it isn’t something I like
on cloud nine – to be extremely happy
on thin ice – do something that is dangerous and includes risk
once in a blue moon – not very often, rarely
out of the blue – suddenly, unexpectedly
a piece of cake – something that is very easy to do
pull yourself together – calm down
rock the boat – to cause a problem
run like the wind – run really fast
so far so good – things are going well so far
spread like wildfire – to spread rapidly
steal my thunder – when someone takes attention away from someone else
take a rain check – postponing someone’s invitation for later
take it or leave it – accept or refuse the offer
take somebody by surprise – to happen unexpectedly
that ship has sailed – it’s too late
the buck stops here – problems are solved here
the world is your oyster – you’re free and able to enjoy life
time flies – time passes very quickly
to cut a long story short – stop telling details and get to the main facts
to kill two birds with one stone – to manage to do two things at the same time
under the weather – when you aren’t feeling well
work your socks off – work really hard
Nosy Parker – a prying person
Doubting Thomas – a person who is habitually doubtful
Before (or quicker) than you can say Jack Robinson – almost immediately
Keeping up with the Joneses – keeping up with the neighbors
Every Tom, Dick and Harry – everyone, ordinary people
Smart Alec – a wise guy, an irritating person who likes to show off how clever he/she is
For Pete’s sake! – exclamation of surprise or shock (syn. For the love of Mike! For goodness sake! For heaven(‘s) sake!)
Jack of all trades – a person who is able to do many manual jobs
Johnny-come-lately – a newcomer; a participant who started later than the others
It’s all Greek to me – said when you don’t understand something
Go Dutch – to share costs
Carry coals to Newcastle – to do something unnecessary
When in Rome (, do as the Romans do) – behave however the people around you behave
Double Dutch – something impossible to understand
Indian summer – a period of warmer weather in late autumn
New York minute – a very short period of time
French leave – a period when one is absent from work without asking for permission
Like a slow boat to China – something that is very slow
Young Turk – a young and rebellious person, difficult to control
Dutch auction – an auction or sale that starts off with a certain price that is then reduced until a buyer is found
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